Loke Moore Law welcomes a new Legal Assistant, Teresa Moser! Teresa is a recently retired employee from the Texas Health and Human Services division of Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities. She has over 27 years helping Texans connect to Medicaid services. Of those 27 years, the last 13 were exclusively devoted to those individuals in need of long term care services such as Medicare Savings programs, Nursing Home coverage, Community Based Waiver Medicaid, and SSI related assistance.
On a personal note, Teresa and her husband Jim are the parents of two special needs adopted sons. Teresa has extensive knowledge of the Special Needs Community, working with the school districts, and SSI Medicaid.
In her off time she enjoys a wide range of hobbies such as gardening, cooking, and arts and crafts. Teresa maintains her passion for public service by volunteering in her community with various agencies to aid the elderly, disabled, and disadvantaged.
Working with Loke Moore Law allows Teresa to channel knowledge from her prior career, volunteer work, and hobbies into a fun and engaging relationship with clients. She can explain government processes and terms in easy to understand language and dispel many myths surrounding Medicaid funded programs.